Source code for pymuscle.muscle

Contains base Muscle class and its immediate descendants.

import numpy as np
from typing import Union

from .potvin_fuglevand_2017_muscle_fibers import PotvinFuglevand2017MuscleFibers
from .potvin_fuglevand_2017_motor_neuron_pool import PotvinFuglevand2017MotorNeuronPool
from .pymuscle_fibers import PyMuscleFibers
from .model import Model

[docs]class Muscle(object): """ A user-created :class:`Muscle <Muscle>` object. Used to simulate the input-output relationship between motor neuron excitation and muscle fibers contractile state over time. :param motor_neuron_pool_model: The motor neuron pool implementation to use with this muscle. :param muscle_fibers_model: The muscle fibers model implementation to use with this muscle. :param motor_unit_count: How many motor units comprise this muscle. Usage:: from pymuscle import (Muscle, PotvinFuglevand2017MotorNeuronPool as Pool, PotvinFuglevand2017MuscleFibers as Fibers) motor_unit_count = 60 muscle = Muscle( Pool(motor_unit_count), Fibers(motor_unit_count), ) excitation = 32.0 force = muscle.step(excitation, 1 / 50.0) """ def __init__( self, motor_neuron_pool_model: Model, muscle_fibers_model: Model, ): assert motor_neuron_pool_model.motor_unit_count == \ muscle_fibers_model.motor_unit_count self._pool = motor_neuron_pool_model self._fibers = muscle_fibers_model @property def motor_unit_count(self): return self._pool.motor_unit_count @property def current_forces(self): return self._fibers.current_forces
[docs] def step( self, motor_pool_input: Union[float, np.ndarray], step_size: float ) -> float: """ Advances the muscle model one step. :param motor_pool_input: Either a single value or an array of values representing the excitatory input to the motor neuron pool for this muscle :param step_size: How far to advance the simulation in time for this step. """ # Expand a single input to the muscle to a full array if isinstance(motor_pool_input, float) or \ isinstance(motor_pool_input, int): motor_pool_input = np.full( self._pool.motor_unit_count, motor_pool_input ) motor_pool_output = self._pool.step(motor_pool_input, step_size) return self._fibers.step(motor_pool_output)
[docs]class PotvinFuglevandMuscle(Muscle): """ A thin wrapper around :class:`Muscle <Muscle>` which pre-selects the Potvin fiber and motor neuron models. """ def __init__( self, motor_unit_count: int, apply_central_fatigue: bool = True, apply_peripheral_fatigue: bool = True, pre_calc_firing_rates: bool = False ): pool = PotvinFuglevand2017MotorNeuronPool( motor_unit_count, apply_fatigue=apply_central_fatigue, pre_calc_firing_rates=pre_calc_firing_rates ) fibers = PotvinFuglevand2017MuscleFibers( motor_unit_count, apply_fatigue=apply_peripheral_fatigue ) super().__init__( motor_neuron_pool_model=pool, muscle_fibers_model=fibers )
class StandardMuscle(Muscle): """ A thin wrapper around :class:`Muscle <Muscle>` which pre-selects the Potvin motor neuron model and the PyMuscle specific fiber model. It is expected that this will use a motor neuron model specific to PyMuscle (to be called the PyMuscleMotorNeuronPool) in the future. This muscle does *not* include central (motor neuron) fatigue as the equations for recovery are not yet available. This muscle does include both peripheral fatigue and recovery. """ def __init__( self, motor_unit_count: int, apply_central_fatigue: bool = False, apply_peripheral_fatigue: bool = True, pre_calc_firing_rates: bool = False ): pool = PotvinFuglevand2017MotorNeuronPool( motor_unit_count, apply_fatigue=apply_central_fatigue, pre_calc_firing_rates=pre_calc_firing_rates ) fibers = PyMuscleFibers( motor_unit_count, apply_fatigue=apply_peripheral_fatigue ) super().__init__( motor_neuron_pool_model=pool, muscle_fibers_model=fibers )